Lent Tech Post Challenge


2 min read

Lent Tech Post Challenge

Whether you are a follower of the idea of lent from a religious perspective or just like the idea of a challenge, I invite you to join me for the Lenten Tech Post Challenge.

Lent is the season of fasting and abstinence, but it's not just about giving up things; it can also be about adopting a new practice. Think of it as abstaining from laziness or procrastination. Lent is practiced for 40 days, from Ash Wednesday (February 17, 2021) until Easter Sunday (April 4th, 2021).

But wait, isn't that 46 days? Yes!

The reason is that you can choose to "rest" on Sunday and no longer fast or abstain from whatever it is you are abstaining from.

So I'm challenging myself and anyone else to post a new technical post each day for the season of Lent (Monday - Saturday, Sunday optional). It doesn't have to be overly thorough, and can be as simple as what I posted on this first day.

My hope from doing this challenge is to:

  1. Build a habit of learning something new every day
  2. Increase my understanding of the things I've learned by explaining them as simply as possible
  3. Discovering an admiration of technical blogging

I hope you'll consider joining me and if you do, feel free to post a link to your site in the comments!